Alocasia macrorrhizos – Ala އަލަ

In the beautiful Noonu Atoll, specifically in Lhohi, we know this amazing tree as “Kahaa Ala” or just “Ala.” However, in the book COMMON PLANTS OF MALDIVES/ FAO, created with FAO, Kerala Forest Research Institute, and the Ministry of Fisheries and Agriculture, Government of Maldives, it goes by the name Boafuredhdhe. This tree is more than a part of our memories; it’s a friend in the lush landscapes of the Maldives. Its big leaves, like natural umbrellas, used to keep us dry from the tropical rain during our childhood.


  • Family: Araceae
  • Synonyms: Arum macrorrhizon L., Colocasia macrorrhizos (L.) Schott


  • Hardy perennial herbs with wide or upright stems, about 4-5 cm thick.
  • Lots of leaves, oval-shaped, pointed, with round lower lobes; some as large as 48×33 cm.
  • 8 pairs of nerves, with the lowest pair carrying the side nerves of the lobes; parallel intercostae joining in the middle.
  • Strong peduncle, up to 30 cm long; spathe narrowing in the middle, about 28 cm long, in a yellowish-green color.
  • Cylindrical spadix, about 20 cm long, 1-1.5 cm thick, in a continuous form.

Flowering & Fruiting:

October to December

Native Range and Distribution:

  • Originates from Malaysia, Australia, Papua New Guinea, and the Solomon Islands.
  • Found across Tropical Asia, Africa, America, and Oceania.


  • wikipedia

I'm a nature photographer and graphic designer. My website is a visual journey into the beauty of plants and animals. I've won many awards in nature contests, showcasing my work one photo at a time

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