Orthetrum Sabina – Valhu Munnyama

Discovering a Dragonfly: In my island, Noonu Atoll Lhohi, we encounter a special creature known as the Valhu Munnyama or Slender Skimmer dragonfly. This small wonder adds to the beauty of our surroundings and is an essential part of our island’s diverse wildlife.

Simple Facts:

  • What It Is: The Valhu Munnyama is a type of dragonfly, and in our language Dhivehi, we call it “Dhon Dhooni.”
  • Size: It’s a medium-sized dragonfly, not too big, with a wingspan of about 60 to 85mm.
  • Colors: The males have a mix of grayish and greenish-yellow colors with some black and pale markings. Their eyes are green.
  • Where We Find It: This dragonfly loves places with water, like ponds, wetlands, and even mangrove areas.

Life in Noonu Atoll Lhohi:

  • Local Name: In our island, we lovingly call it “Valhu Munnyama.”
  • Habitat: You’ll often spot this dragonfly near water, especially in places like water wells.

How It Behaves:

  • Resting Style: It likes to sit quietly on plants and twigs for long periods.
  • What It Eats: The Valhu Munnyama loves to eat small butterflies and other dragonflies. It’s like a little hunter!

Family Matters:

  • Special Sound: During the time when they make baby dragonflies, the males have a special sound they make.
  • Growing Up: The baby Valhu Munnyama is born from an egg, and when it grows up, it doesn’t kick out other babies from the nest, unlike some other types of dragonflies.

Where You Can Find More: If you want to know more, you can visit Wikipedia – Orthetrum Sabina or iNaturalist – Orthetrum Sabina.

Why It Matters: These dragonflies are not just beautiful; they also play a role in nature by helping plants grow. Taking care of our environment means taking care of creatures like the Valhu Munnyama.

Final Thoughts: So, next time you’re near a pond or a water well in Noonu Atoll Lhohi, keep an eye out for the Valhu Munnyama, the dragonfly that adds a touch of wonder to our island!


  1. Wikipedia – Orthetrum Sabina
  2. iNaturalist – Orthetrum Sabina

I'm a nature photographer and graphic designer. My website is a visual journey into the beauty of plants and animals. I've won many awards in nature contests, showcasing my work one photo at a time