Small-leaved Orange Mangrove – Kandoo

In Noonu Lhohi and throughout the Maldives, the Kandoo tree is a familiar sight. From my childhood, I remember large Kandoo trees being cut down for building fishing boats. The wood is tough and sturdy, perfect for boat construction.

Local Name: Kandoo
Common Name: Small-leaved Orange Mangrove
Scientific Name: Bruguiera cylindrica

Did you know?

  • Bruguiera cylindrica is the most common mangrove in the Maldives, found across the islands.

Key Details:

  • Status: Common; it dominates many mangrove areas in the Maldives and is found in pure stands. Young seedlings often grow where this species is abundant.
  • Description: A small evergreen tree, 6 to 10 meters tall, with distinctive above-ground roots. These roots act like a sponge, holding air when submerged. The bark is grey or pink, and the leaves are simple, lance-shaped, and shiny. The flowers are small and white, with a unique greenish-yellow structure.
  • Propagules: These are spindle-shaped, 10 to 15 cm long, and green to purplish-green. They float and are dispersed by currents.

Traditional Uses:

  • In the Maldives, folks cook Kandoo propagules by boiling them with ash and salt to get rid of any bitterness. I’ve had Kandoo several times, and it tastes quite nice – I like it. In earlier times, they used to cultivate extensive plantations to have a food source during famines. Besides, Kandoo is a valuable timber tree, especially for building boats. To ensure it doesn’t decay easily, the wood is buried in sand for about six months, and the poles cut from it are handy in constructing houses.

Ecology and Propagation:

  • Kandoo grows in various soils but prefers silty clay in tidal zones. It can tolerate different levels of soil salinity.
  • Propagation is through spindle-shaped propagules. Matured ones are collected from water or trees and can be planted directly or using nursery-raised seedlings.

For Further Reading:

I'm a nature photographer and graphic designer. My website is a visual journey into the beauty of plants and animals. I've won many awards in nature contests, showcasing my work one photo at a time

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